Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Reverend P. G. Mathew came to Davis in 1973 to teach New Testament Greek and systematic theology at a local seminary. He founded Grace Valley Christian Center (GVCC) in 1974.
Originally trained as a scientist, Pastor Mathew was called by God to preach the gospel while doing graduate studies in chemistry. He subsequently earned three graduate degrees from Central and Westminster Theological seminaries. For almost 50 years, he served as the senior minister of Grace Valley Christian Center, the founder and president of Grace Valley Christian Academy, and the founder and CEO of the Grace and Glory Foundation.
Pastor Mathew traveled widely for mission work, especially in India. The ministry of GVCC has made a global impact, especially through its web ministry and sister churches in Orlando, FL and North India. GVCC has reached people throughout the world, including in China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines, India, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Madagascar, Bolivia, Russia, Argentina, Uruguay, El Salvador, Venezuela, Haiti, Mexico, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Germany, France, and Holland.
Pastor Mathew published seventeen books during his lifetime, including The Normal Church Life (1 John), Victory in Jesus (Joshua), The Wisdom of Jesus (Sermon on the Mount), Muscular Christianity (Hebrews), The Gospel Freedom (Romans 1–8), The Gospel Life (Romans 9-16), and Good News for All People. These titles and others are available through our online bookstore, with other works forthcoming.
In 2009, the Holy Spirit began a revival that continues to this day—a revival of revelation of sin, salvation of sinners, and returning of backslidden Christians to their first love.
Pastor Mathew also worked to raise up other Elders and leaders in the church, including our current Senior Pastor, Reverend Gregory Broderick.
In 2018, God called Rev. Broderick out of his legal career and into full time ministry. Pastor Mathew anointed Rev. Broderick as his successor in the ministry at GVCC, a calling that the elders and congregation confirmed when Pastor Mathew retired in 2023. Rev. Broderick continues to preach and lead in the same Reformed tradition passed down to him through Pastor Mathew.
Entering into its sixth decade, GVCC has grown into a multigenerational church. Many of its early members continue to benefit from the rich teaching and community life, along with their children, grandchildren, and those God has added over the years. We invite you to join us as we seek the God who said, “You will seek me and find me when you seek for me with all your heart.”