Located next to UC Davis on a twenty-one acre, park-like campus in West Davis, Grace Valley Christian Center is a church where God is moving in the power of the Holy Spirit and transforming the lives of young and old alike.

At GVCC, we enjoy the powerful expository preaching in the tradition of Augustine, Jonathan Edwards, Charles H. Spurgeon, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and others. We accept all Reformed confessions, creeds, and catechisms to the degree that they agree with the sound interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, which is our ultimate authority for doctrine and life. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, who applies the redemption to each elect sinner as planned by God the Father and accomplished by Christ the Son.

We rely on the same powerful Holy Spirit in all aspects of church life, including the vibrant community life we enjoy as we live in love toward one another and in conformity to God’s word. We oppose dead orthodoxy, and believe in the authority of the Bible in the Reformation tradition. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone— to God alone be the glory.

What We Believe…

  • The Bible is the only infallible authority for faith and life
  • The gospel alone is the power of God unto salvation from God’s wrath against sinners
  • This salvation is by God’s grace from beginning to end
  • We can only be saved by repenting of our sins and trusting in Jesus Christ alone
  • Jesus Christ alone is the Savior of sinners
  • God calls His people to live holy lives
  • The Holy Spirit powerfully saves sinners and enables His people to live victoriously in every sphere of life
  • God alone will provide for our every need when we do His work in His way
  • The basic theological teachings of the Westminster standards, the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dordt, the Heidelberg Catechism, and other orthodox formulations

What We Oppose…

  • Seeing church as an escape from reality through hollow entertainment
  • Empty, mindless messages that starve the soul
  • A mega-church mentality that tells people whatever they want to hear
  • Conforming to the decaying moral culture
  • An autonomous, disconnected view of church life
  • Any belief or practice contrary to what is revealed in the Holy Scriptures

What We Stand For…

  • Following the Lord Jesus Christ in every area of life
  • The absolute truth of God’s inerrant Word
  • Bold, powerful preaching of the Bible resulting in obedient living
  • The reality of heaven and hell
  • The reasonable faith of the Bible in contrast to the irrationalism of our present age
  • Reformed theology, Pentecostal power, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • The sanctity of human life and biblical family values

What We Are Experiencing…

  • A growing, flourishing church
  • A vibrant covenant community life
  • True worship of God in spirit and in truth
  • Spiritual revival among youth and adults
  • Thriving marriages and family life
  • Intellectually stimulating biblical teaching from highly trained ministers
  • Faithful preaching of the gospel for nearly 50 years
  • Vital and active youth and university ministries
  • Flourishing international student ministry and a world-wide internet ministry
  • Weekly communion services
  • A ministry that reaches nations throughout the world
  • A Christian school (Kindergarten through High School) that emphasizes academic excellence and biblical morality
  • Regular prayer meetings, Bible studies, and home group gatherings