
Davis Farmer’s Market: Grace Valley Christian Center was awarded the prestigious “Dedication in Action Award” by the Farmer’s Market for providing regular cleanup volunteers for the market. Workmen for Christ (our young men’s service group) has done regular service at the Davis Farmer’s Market throughout the years.

City of Davis and Chamber of Commerce: We regularly serve at various city functions, including the Davis Turkey Trot and Celebrate Davis. Grace Valley Christian Center received the Member of the Year Award in recognition of our exceptional contributions to the Davis Chamber of Commerce.

Summer Outreach Barbecues: In the summer we invite the community to worship services followed by barbecues on the church quad.

Local Charities: We support many groups, including STEAC, Yolo Wayfarers, Yolo Food Bank, Grace-in-Action, and Davis Community Meals.


Ministry to Seniors: For many years we have conducted weekly Sunday afternoon worship services at Sierra Healthcare convalescent hospital and periodically at Covell Gardens. The seniors’ ministry team also visits the hospital during the week to support those in need.

Hospital Care: We faithfully minister to the sick and needy by visiting and praying for hospitalized members, providing meals, and helping with home care.

Church Volunteers: Some of our volunteer opportunities include weekly cleaning, serving at weddings and showers, landscaping, audio-visual ministry, greeting and ushering, parking lot help, library work, nursery service, and teaching Sunday school.

Prayer: The church elders are available to pray with people after every service.

International and Domestic Organizations: We support Yolo Sight Savers, a group of local ophthalmologists that perform eye surgeries on the poor in Mexico. We also support Rural Compassion, which provides practical help in rural communities in the U.S., as well as many other organizations.